Ingredients for 4 people: 8 chicken steaks 2 eggs Two handfuls of puffed wholemeal spelled Breadcrumbs to taste A level teaspoon of curry salt Sunflower oil For the white wine sauce: Half a glass of dry white wine 1 level teaspoon of cornstarch A little chopped red onion Oil Milk as needed pepper With the help of a rolling pin, chop the spelled, put it in a little breadcrumbs and curry and mix well. In a dish, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. Pass the steaks in the eggs, then in the mixture of spelled and breadcrumbs and fry them in a pan with plenty of oil. Meanwhile, in a pan, brown the onion in a little oil, blend with the white wine and add the cornstarch, stirring with a whisk to dissolve any lumps. Dilute with a little milk, add pepper and cook for two minutes. Serve the fried chicken accompanying it with this sauce.


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