Per le piantine di fragole comperate in questo periodo dell'anno bisogna distinguere innanzitutto se volete tenerle in vaso o le piantate in terra.
Prima di trapiantare le piantine concimate il terreno con del letame pellettato ...tranquille, non puzza😝...lo vendono in sacchi nei centri tipo brico o garden center, a volte anche nei grandi supermercati.
Aggiungete anche un composto con azoto, magnesio e potassio. E' un concime granulare che si trova nei centri di giardinaggio ed è utile un po' a tutte le piante dell'orto.
Poi trapiantate le piantine, stando attenti a rompere leggermente la zolla di terra con le radici...attenti!! non esagerate...e se le radici sono troppo asciutte, perché non erano state bagnate da un po', lasciatele proprio a mollo in acqua per una decina di minuti.
Per non avere erbacce, potete comperare dei teli da pacciamatura. Prima di trapiantare le piantine, stendete il telo, fategli delle incisioni a croce e piantate lì le vostre fragole. Attenzione perché con questo sistema ci sono più ristagni d'acqua. Aiutano se piove poco perché mantengono il terreno umido più a lungo, ma se le piogge sono abbondanti, controllate la terra prima di innaffiare.

A questo punto dell'anno se trapiantate le piantine in un vaso più grande, rischiate che per un bel po' di tempo le piantine non avranno fiori e frutti. Otterrete molto di più concimando con azoto, magnesio e potassio, il concime granulare che si trova negli agri center, e lasciandole nei loro vasi. Dovrete bagnarle un po' più spesso perché avendo poca terra, questa si asciugherà più velocemente.
Le piantine di fragole sono perenni, e almeno in pianura padana se non fa troppo freddo, resisteranno anche in inverno. Il prossimo anno dovrete solo pulirle e concimarle e si riprenderanno con più vigore del primo anno.
Ci sono inoltre tipi diversi di fragole. Alcune fioriscono una volta sola. Altre continuano la fioritura finchè non c'è troppo caldo per riprendere poi quando si abbassa di nuovo la temperatura.
As regards strawberry seedlings bought at this time of
the year, it is necessary to make a distinction if you want to keep them in
pots or plant them in the earth.
Before transplanting the seedlings fertilize the soil with pelleted manure ... keep calm, it does not stink ... it is sold in bags in garden centers, sometimes even in large supermarkets.
Add a compound with nitrogen, magnesium and potassium. It is a granular fertilizer that is found in gardening centers and it is useful to all the plants in your vegetable garden.
Then transplant the seedlings, slightly break the clod with the roots ... be careful !! do not exaggerate ... and if the roots are too dry, because they had not been wet for a while, just leave them to soak in water for about ten minutes.
To avoid weeds, you can buy mulch towels. Before transplanting the seedlings, roll out the towel, make some cross incisions and plant your strawberries there. Be careful because with this system there are more stagnations of water. They help if it rains little because they keep the soil moist longer, but if the rains are plentiful, check the land before watering.
At this time of the year if you transplant the seedlings into a larger pot, you may risk that for a long time the seedlings will have no flowers and fruit. You will get better results if you fertilize them with nitrogen, magnesium and potassium, i.d. the granular fertilizer that is found in agri-centers, and leave them in their pots. You will have to water them a little more often because having little soil, it will dry out faster.
The seedlings of strawberries are perennial, and at least in the Po Valley, if it is not too cold, they will withstand winter cold. Next year you will just have to clean them and fertilize them. They will be more vigorous than the first year.
Before transplanting the seedlings fertilize the soil with pelleted manure ... keep calm, it does not stink ... it is sold in bags in garden centers, sometimes even in large supermarkets.
Add a compound with nitrogen, magnesium and potassium. It is a granular fertilizer that is found in gardening centers and it is useful to all the plants in your vegetable garden.
Then transplant the seedlings, slightly break the clod with the roots ... be careful !! do not exaggerate ... and if the roots are too dry, because they had not been wet for a while, just leave them to soak in water for about ten minutes.
To avoid weeds, you can buy mulch towels. Before transplanting the seedlings, roll out the towel, make some cross incisions and plant your strawberries there. Be careful because with this system there are more stagnations of water. They help if it rains little because they keep the soil moist longer, but if the rains are plentiful, check the land before watering.
At this time of the year if you transplant the seedlings into a larger pot, you may risk that for a long time the seedlings will have no flowers and fruit. You will get better results if you fertilize them with nitrogen, magnesium and potassium, i.d. the granular fertilizer that is found in agri-centers, and leave them in their pots. You will have to water them a little more often because having little soil, it will dry out faster.
The seedlings of strawberries are perennial, and at least in the Po Valley, if it is not too cold, they will withstand winter cold. Next year you will just have to clean them and fertilize them. They will be more vigorous than the first year.
There are also
different types of strawberries. Some bloom only once a year. Others
continue the flowering phase, which stops when it gets too hot and they resume it
when the temperature lowers again.
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