SOS SCUOLA (esercizi di ripasso)


1. My mother (like)………………………the seaside.

2. Those students (sit)……………………….at their desk.

3. Where’s John? He (play)…………………….the guitar in his bedroom.

4. Bob (run) ………………………down the stairs.

5. My son (work)…………………………with Mr Smith now.

6. She usually (drink)……………………..water.

7. What (you/do)……………………………here?

8. The Wilsons already (know)………………………us.

9. What are doing? We (have) a cup of tea.

10. We (have) …………………….lunch at 12.

11. Look at her! She (talk) …………………… your sister.

12. We always (listen)…………………… some records in the evening.

13. Mr Brown (go) ………………………to London everyday.

14. She often (wash)……………………..her car.

15. Is mummy at home? Yes, she (make)……………………….a cake.


1. You know the lady in the picture.

2. We drink wine at lunch.They are playing football.

3. We are going to school this morning.

4. My sister works in London.

5. He is leaving for America.

Scrivi il Simple Past dei seguenti verbi regolari:
to try…………to clean………… to play ……… to stop………… to

prefer…………… to change……… to work…………… to offer………… to

study………… to sip…………to quarrel………………

Scrivi il paradigma dei seguenti verbi irregolari: comperare……………………………… diventare…………………… dare…………………… prestare……………………… mangiare……………………… fare…………………………… prendere………………………vedere…………………dormire………………………………insegnare………………………… guidare……………………………cadere…………………………… scrivere………………………trovare…………………………correre………………………………… portare……………………afferrare……………………………pagare……………………… vendere……………………………… sentire…………………………

Completate con il Simple Past:

1- John (to be )……………thirsty and he (to drink)………………..a glass of fresh water.

2- Where ( you- to go ) ………………………last summer? I (to go)………

to the mountains.

3- Yesterday I (to lose) ………………my gloves on the bus.

4- When I (to live) …………………in Scotland I (to have ) ………………

a house with a nice garden but I (not-to have )………………a garage.

5- (you – to spend )……………………the week-end in London? No, I……

but I (not –to stay )………………at home. I (to leave )…………for Oxford,where I (to meet)……………some old friends. It (to be )………

nice and we (to be) …………all happy.

Scrivi il comp. di maggioranza e il superl. relativo dei seguenti aggettivi o avverbi:

funny…………………… fat………………………
clever…………………………… expensive……………………………thin………………………………pretty…………………………………often……………………………narrow………………………………
slowly………………………… warm…………………………………nice……………………………… good…………………………………bad………………………………sunny…………………………………noble……………………………… sad……………………………………

exciting……………………………generous……………………………sincere…………………………… friendly………………………………cheap…………………………… fast…………………………………interesting…………………………socially……………………

Completa le seguenti frasi con un comparativo di maggioranza o un superlativo inserendo la preposizione adeguata:

1- This photo is (nice)………………….all.

2- Your backpack is (heavy)…………………mine.

3- Tom is (intelligent)……………………student…………I know.

4- Mount Everest is (high) …………………mountain……the world.

5- This pizza is (bad)……………..the one we ate yesterday.

Sostituisci le parti sottolineate con un pronome complemento adatto:

1) My friends are nice.

2) I work with that man.

3) We don’t like these photographs.

4) Peter has got a new car.

5) These books are old.

6) Go past the museum and then turn left.

7) Give this pullover to my sister.

8) I like those apples.

9) John is always with Jane and me.

10) Simon and I are in the same class.


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